go ahead有加油的意思吗

go ahead有加油的意思,go ahead的意思有点"去吧","做吧","干吧"的意思,有"打气"的语气在里面,只不过比较口语化。go ahead有很多种意思,具体是什么意思取决于语境。例如:先行,先走一步。You go ahead and tell him that I'm coming。

go ahead有加油的意思吗

急不可待地去做;毫不犹豫地去做。例:The teacher told the students not to go out of yet,but Tom went ahead and left the room。老师告诉学生们不要走出教室,可是汤姆急不可待地离开了房间。

go ahead有加油的意思吗

进行,进展;继续(做某事)。例:After the rain stopped,the men went ahead with their work of digging up the street。雨停后,他们继续在街上挖掘。说吧,开始吧,开始(做某事)。例:“May I start?”“Yes,go ahead”“我可以开始了吗?”“可以,开始吧。”

go ahead有加油的意思吗

取得进展,取得进步。例:Is your work going ahead now that the workers have arrived?既然工人们都到了,你的工程有进展吗?擅自行事;独自行动。例:I warned her not to do that but she went ahead and did that。我告诫她不那样做,但她不听还是那样做了。

