read book是正确的吗

“read book”是正确的。“read book”意为“读书,看书”,这个短语根据代指数量的不同,还可以写为“read books”和“read a book”。“read books”意为“读多本书”,而“read a book”则意为“读一本书”或是特指“读某本书”。

read book是正确的吗

“read book”双语例句

1、I read the book at a gallop.我飞快地读完了这本书。

2、He had not been allowed to read any book until his mother had vetted it.未经母亲的审查,他什么书也不能看。

read book是正确的吗

3、I've read the book from beginning to end.我把这本书从头至尾都看了。

4、He read the book from cover to cover.他通读了这本书。

read book是正确的吗

5、After I had read the book I could fairly claim to be an expert.读完这本书,我差不多可以说是专家了。

