
过去完成时例句:I have sat for hours in the classroom,reading a novel.The weather has been cold so far this winter.过去完成时是英语的概念,而英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊人移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语支方言,被统称为古英语。



1.I had stayed in Beijing for three years by then.

2.Until then he had known nothing about it.

3.The boy told his mother that he had been ill since he came back from the school.

4.She had only been here for ten minutes when Jim came in.

5.When they got to the field,the football match had already started.


1.I have sat for hours in the classroom,reading a novel.

2.The weather has been cold so far this winter.

3.I haven't finished my homework yet.

4.He has just come.

5.Has he visited the city twice?

6.Haven't seen you for a long time!

7.We haven't heard from her since last week.

