both either neither的区别



Both his father and mother are here.他们的父母都在这儿.

Both of them are good teachers.他们两个都是好老师.

They both skate well.他们两个都很会滑冰.

The children were both too young.这两个孩子都很年轻.

My parents have both been invited.我的父母都被邀请了.

both either neither的区别


Either book is OK.teacheray.com两本书都可以.

There is a path on either side of the road.路的两边各有一条小道.


Neither answer is right.两个答案都不对.

Neither of my parents has ever read the book.我父母都没读过这本书.


Either you or I am right.=Either I or you are right.要么我对,要么你对.

Neither he nor we have been to NY.=Neither we nor he has been to NY.他和我们都没去过纽约.

