get good grades in还是on

get good grades in和get good grades on翻译上面都是在某方面取得好成绩的意思,二者可以互换,没有太大的语法技巧区别。例句:get good grades in English。在英语方面取得好成绩。get good grades on the final exam。在期末考试中取得好成绩。

get good grades in还是on

更多例句:I'm sure that we will get good grades in the next exam。我确信我们在下次考试中一定会取得很好的成绩。Didn't you get good grades in school?你在学校的成绩不是很好吗?

get good grades in还是on

From9th grade,we have to get good grades,do well on the SAT tests and take part in plenty of extra-curricular activities。从高一开始,我们就要得到好成绩,高考也要考的很好,除此之外,我们还要参加大量的课外活动。

get good grades in还是on

hroughout my academic years,I not only get good grades but also am very active on sport field and involved in school club activities。在我求学的过程中我不仅品学兼优,在运动场上也是很活跃的一份子,同时也参与许多的社团活动。

