I think的高级表达

I think的高级表达有:In my view在我看来;In all honesty老实说;If you ask me要我说;In my humble opinion;I would say我认为;as far as I'm concerned;I honestly believe that我真的认为;I feel that我觉得;personally speaking等。

I think的高级表达

例句:In my view,I should have been invited,so it was totally fair for me to turn up on the day。我认为应该邀请我,所以婚礼那天我完全可以去。In all honesty,I had every right to be there。老实说,我有权去参加。

I think的高级表达

If you ask me,there's something a bit queer going on。要是你问我的话,我觉得有点儿不太对劲。In my humble opinion,he will win the election。依我拙见,他将在选举中获胜。

I think的高级表达

I would say it's almost time to hold him to that promise。我认为已经差不多是时候让他兑现那个承诺了。As far as I'm concerned,she totally overreacted and shouldn't have cried。在我看来来,她完全是反应过度,她不应该哭。

